Truth is, this site is not about me or how I have changed. It is about you, and what I know you can achieve!
Still, you might want to know some more about who I am and what I have done.
I'm Kristofer Mencák
After graduating at Stockholm School of Economics I started working with marketing online. First a bit as self employed, then specialized on viral marketing in Denmark and later on with PR and Social Media in different agencies in Stockholm, Sweden.
But, it was clear to me that nothing about working 9-5 was about realizing who I am and fulfilling my potential.
I started feeling I wanted something else. And that's when coincidences and courage made me take the step and transform myself into something entirely different...

Lose fat
Start losing fat (and probably weight), and get the tools to keep it off forever.

Get in Shape
Start the journey to get in shape, to live longer and enjoy a lot more.

Stop smoking
Get expert advice to help you quit smoking—not for a month, but for the rest of your life!

Find Freedom
Start the journey to transform your life today to get total freedom in the future.

My Transformation
Since I had already danced as a hobby for some time, I decided to make the jump when I was asked to teach.
Since I was always very shy and hated to talk in front of people, it required a lot of courage, like all big changes do.
But, I decided to conquer the fear and managed to turn myself into an international dance teacher, travelling to more than 60 countries all over the world.
Now I teach and also use what I learned to help people just like you find their own purpose in life and make the changes they want.
It is possible to be free, do what you love and earn money passively. Just like it is possible to lose weight, get in shape or stop smoking.

"I recommend it to all those people who want to try to give a positive turn to their way of thinking and acting because everything is possible in life!"
- Viviana, Italy

"Living the life of my dreams, Thank you, Kristofer!"
- Susan, UK

"Our conversation in 2016 changed my life journey and I would never be where I am today if it wasn't for that talk."
- Mauro, Colombia
Why I Do It
I have seen that it is possible to change. And I see how many people struggle in life—with weight, health, addictions, and with a profound boredom and unhappiness from doing something they don't like.
Because in todays society we are not taught how to stay healthy. We are not taught how to become happy. And we are not taught how to find freedom in life.
Most people just go on, treating symptoms without ever addressing the root cause. And this it true both for health and happiness.
I am still on this journey too, and I believe it never ends. But my experiences together with an "addiction" to learning/books have taught me so much and I want to pass it along. It is possible to create a better life for yourself and your close ones.

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